Curing Hopeless Voices
The Strangled Voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) & Other Voice Problems with Direct Voice Rehabilitation
By Dr. Morton Cooper & Dr. John M. Curtis
Dr. Mort Cooper’s book Curing Hopeless Voices is a clearly written well documented explanation of his position on the causes and treatment of spasmodic dysphonia and associated hyper-functional voice disorders whose treatment of such patients has proven efficatious and impressively documented in his DVDs.
Arnold Aronson, Ph.D., Sc.D.
Former Head of the Speech Pathology Department of Neurology and Professer at Mayo College of Medicine
Dr. Cooper is the best speech pathologist I know
Joel J. Pressman, M.D.
Former chairman of the Head and Neck Division, UCLA Medical Center
Cooper’s the best in the business
Lee Edward Travis, Ph.D.
One of the five founders and past president of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association
…of all Voice Disorders, Dr. Cooper’s methods seemed essentially quite simple, but they worked…We know you are the only one successful [for SD] by speech therapy
Henry J. Rubin, M.D.
ENT, UCLA Medical Center, Faculty Head and Neck Division (Retired)
I found him to be really excellent
Robert H. Rand, M.D.
Professor of neurological surgery, UCLA Medical Center
This book may well turn upside-down the traditional training and practice of voice therapists” said of Dr. Cooper’s Modern Techniques of Vocal Rehabilitation
John Warkentin, Ph.D., M.D.
Psychiatrist, Atlanta Psychiatric Clinic
This book [Dr. Cooper’s Modern Techniques of Vocal Rehabilitation] is superb.
Lawrence Pleet, M.D.
Otolaryngologist & Clinical Instructor, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine
The Strangled Voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) & Other Voice Problems with Direct Voice Rehabilitation
By Dr. Morton Cooper & Dr. John M. Curtis
Curing Strangled Voices (SD) Spasmodic Dysphonia vs The New York Times and The Entire Medical Establishment Guaranteeing No Cures
By Dr. Morton Cooper
Dr. Cooper has an extensive library of videos, including documented cures & recoveries of SD as well as media appearances.