Curing Hopeless Voices
The Strangled Voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) & Other Voice Problems with Direct Voice Rehabilitation
By Dr. Morton Cooper & Dr. John M. Curtis
Your techniques work wonders [for Spasmodic Dysphonia]…it’s like a miracle!
Rev. James Johnson
Poplar Grove, IL – Cured of SD for over 25 years
He turned my whole life around.
Marjorie Whitman
Homemaker – Cured of SD
The Strangled Voice (Spasmodic Dysphonia) & Other Voice Problems with Direct Voice Rehabilitation
By Dr. Morton Cooper & Dr. John M. Curtis
Curing Strangled Voices (SD) Spasmodic Dysphonia vs The New York Times and The Entire Medical Establishment Guaranteeing No Cures
By Dr. Morton Cooper
Dr. Cooper has an extensive library of videos, including documented cures & recoveries of SD as well as media appearances.